Hey everyone! I know, I know you already wanna know what/who is "GreatGrape"? That's me! A Florida born and raised girl. Actually my last name is Graham tooπŸ˜‚! If you can catch my drift. So my girlfriend gave me this nick name one day after I purchased a philly cigar tube (grape flavored.) That was a lil while ago (2010) because they didn't even sell them anymore to bad. I just so happen to have a bag of fresh grapes in my lap as we drove. We ended up with the giggles and she came out with great as grapes πŸ‡. It stuck and from that day on I was Great Grape. So yeah, I've made so many awesome memories and I'd love to share them with y'all. It's a little bit of everything. Enjoy 😘

Hidden in plain sight!

30 views | July 23, 2024

Here's some things that are right under our noses. So funny! I love this video! Enjoy 😍

Hidden in plain sight!

Here's some things that are right under our noses. So funny! I love this video! Enjoy 😍

1:14 | July 23, 2024