Don't Settle
For a fraction of ad revenue
Set your own price and take
home 86% of the revenue
Creators keep 86% of their video revenue. The rest is used to keep the lights on.
Highly Shareable
Easily grab a link to your content and share it with your community!
No Advertisements
Unlike other platforms like Youtube and Facebook, viewers don't see any ads.
See what you could earn
With Postd, you can get paid after earning only $10. Try our calculator and see how much you could earn!
How Postd Works
Open a free account
Open a free Postd account using the Transact micropayment system
Set your price
Decide what to charge people to view or listen to your content.
Post your content
Post your content. Users pay per video.
Make Money
Keep 86% of the revenue! Postd keeps just 14% to keep the service running.
Getting paid for your videos
It's easy! We'll transfer your money to your bank account or mail you a check! Remember, you set the price of your video and get 86% of the revenue.
We built Postd to make more money for creators,
not make money from them.
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