Ocean Acidification at Point Reyes National Seashore - Embed Videos on Your Site
While we're using this National Park Service video to demonstrate Postd's embedded video feature for news publishers, it also is important to point out that more CO2 in the atmosphere increases ocean acidification, which is bad for the oceans and the life in them. And it's getting worse.
7:43 | May 25, 2021
A Tropical Beach Video - Embed Pay-Per-View Videos on Your Site
Another video to demonstrate how publishers can use Postd to generate revenue from videos without ads. Just copy the link to your posts on Postd to your site, and visitors to it can watch it there, without leaving it.
0:38 | October 25, 2021
Sunrise Over Fog - Embed Videos on Your Website
We're just using this video to demonstrate how easy it is to publish videos on any website. This video will be published on The Daily Local, and demo website at dailylocal.transact.io.
0:33 | May 25, 2021
NASA Tests A Water-Seeking Rover in the Desert - Embed This Video
A video from NASA is used here to demonstrate Postd's embedded video feature for news publishers. Instead of trying to get ad revenue from third parties, publishers can charge readers to watch videos on their own site. No software required, just copy the link from your posts on Postd to your website.
3:22 | May 25, 2021
Glacial Change at Kenai Fjord - Embed This Video on Your Site
While we're using this National Park Service video to demonstrate Postd's embedded video feature for news publishers, it also highlights how much ice has been lost to climate change. (not really a spoiler, but it's a lot)
10:05 | May 25, 2021
A Spinning Galaxy - Embed This Video on Your Site
This video demonstrates the value of Postd for publishers, by letting them monetize videos without ads, and without any special software. Post a video on Postd, copy the link to your website, and keep 86% of the price you charge to watch it. No software necessary.
0:30 | May 25, 2021