Christian Trap Music

1 views · August 8, 2021
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Log in to rate this post YOUTH SHOULD LISTEN TO CHRISTIAN TRAP MUSIC The trap is a style of music, rap subgenre, and emerged in the 90s in the United States. Three notes are used that are repeated all the time. In this musical genre, you can find instruments, mainly drum machines, sequencers, keyboards and synthesizers. WHY DO I LOVE CHRISTIAN TRAP MUSIC? As I was born in a place where youth is so unaware of the love of JESUS CHRIST, everyone is busy in their lives, and no one has any time to pray to GOD. I find youth to indulge in music, mainly Hip-hop, high bass and many other vulgar things; I pray to GOD to choose me to find a way to illuminate our youngsters about GOD, about JESUS, and prayers consistently fulfil when one prays with a true heart. That's how I find Christian Trap music and start learning it, so when the music we listen to is pleasing to God, in such a way that we will be delighted that the Lord comes and sits with us while we are listening to our music, most likely that music is very good. Also, if the text or the mood of the music is uplifting and leads us to praise the Lord, trust Him, and draw closer to Him, then this type of music is probably acceptable to a Christian.
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