Original artwork and corresponding poetry created by Michael F. Wood. Reproductions and products products can be found at https://www.redbubble.com/people/MyDadsHippieArt/shop

Eye of the Interior Storm - Smart TV formatted Art & Poetry

148 views | September 22, 2021

This is a Smart TV optimized video slideshow progressing through over an hour of intoxication inspired, original artwork and corresponding poems with subtle audio queues synchronized to the presentation. Image prints are available through https://www.redbubble.com/people/MyDadsHippieArt/shop or www.mydadshippieart.com. Streaming will be available for 6 hours from time of purchase.

Eye of the Interior Storm - Laptop formatted Art

This is a laptop optimized video slideshow progressing through thirty-five minutes of intoxication induced, original artwork and background audio queues synchronized to the presentation. Image prints are available through https://www.redbubble.com/people/MyDadsHippieArt/shop or www.mydadshippieart.com. Streaming will be available for 6 hours from time of purchase.

35:30 | September 22, 2021

Eye of the Interior Storm - Smart TV formatted Art

This is a Smart TV optimized video slideshow progressing through thirty-five minutes of intoxication induced, original artwork audio synchronized to the presentation. Image prints are available through https://www.redbubble.com/people/MyDadsHippieArt/shop or www.mydadshippieart.com. Streaming will be available for 6 hours from time of purchase.

35:30 | September 22, 2021

Eye of the Interior Storm - Smart TV formatted Art & Poetry

This is a Smart TV optimized video slideshow progressing through over an hour of intoxication inspired, original artwork and corresponding poems with subtle audio queues synchronized to the presentation. Image prints are available through https://www.redbubble.com/people/MyDadsHippieArt/shop or www.mydadshippieart.com. Streaming will be available for 6 hours from time of purchase.

1:12:13 | September 22, 2021

Eye of the Interior Storm - Laptop formatted Art & Poetry

This is a laptop optimized video slideshow progressing through over an hour of intoxication induced, original artwork and corresponding poems with subtle audio queues synchronized to the presentation. Image prints are available through https://www.redbubble.com/people/MyDadsHippieArt/shop or www.mydadshippieart.com. Streaming will be available for 6 hours from time of purchase.

1:12:13 | September 22, 2021